Saturday, 14 November 2009

Environmental Risk With Private Equity

Some of the countries in today’s world are suffering for the higher degrees of the economic and political instability, which has reflected on several businesses.  The emerging market has been notorious for all the bureaucratic hurdles along with the corrupted associates.

In certain countries they have certain corporate laws, which has made it even more difficult on others.  Be sure and keep your eye out for the disclosure and accounting norms, and also the limitations of the foreign investor’s power.  Any one of these could have an impact on you as being the key stakeholders.  You might want to also check into the legal services and banking support and accounting that is available.

Investing Private Equity On Your Own

Are you considering investing in some private equity on your very own?  If so, you will want to take into consideration the following:

  1. You will want to be sure and determine what your main goals will be for your portfolio.
  2. Decide on the size of the allocations of the private equity.
  3. One of the vital aspects of your portfolio is diversification.  So, be sure that you have several different companies throughout the industries and geographies.
  4. Prepare yourself to stay into the investment for a certain time period, which is generally five to eight years.
  5. The return that you get from the private equity investments will only become realized once the stakes have been sold. 
  6. When considering your returns you are putting yourself at risk.

Writing Your Private Equity Resume.

Just got offered a career in a world of banking investments?  Excited about starting a full-time career?

Congratulations. Awesome

However, you will want to rethink about resume and your interview skills, if you are want to get a job as the private equity, since you have been an analyst for the past couple of years.

There are several different ways to do your resume for those private equity jobs, but be crafty like your investment banking resume was. 

One of the most critical aspects that you will want to focus on is that you will want to include you experience in investment banking, along with specific deals as to what you did.

Most of the private equity firms tend to care about all your experiences, so be sure and focus mainly on them.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Erase Bad Credit

Drowning with bad credit?  Trying to get rid of it and re-establish a good credit history?  If so, this is what you need to do!

A bad credit history could be preventing your from getting credit cards, loans, or other types of financing that you might be seeking to get. 

Several people do not know what to do to try to repair their credit records.  The first thing you will want to start with is to get a credit history that contains all the information that is on it.  Review over it carefully.  Make sure there are no mistakes.

If there is information that is not correct contact a credit bureau and dispute it!  Also send them a letter that is certified and return receipt requested.  You will want to make sure that you keep all your records. 

The credit bureau will get your letter and they will begin to investigate the problem and send you the results. 

Be sure than you go back and recheck your credit report for the changes.

Negative Commercial Credit Mortgages

Negative commercial credit mortgages are set up just for commercial usages.  Whether you are wanting to purchase a building or piece of land to be able to establish a business or expand your existing business then these mortgages might come in handy.  These types of mortgages are for the people that are terrible suffering with a bad credit history. 

When trying to start or expand a business it requires money.  If your plans go like you want them to this invest could offer you a big return.  So, if you are search the financial market be sure and check out the negative commercial credit mortgages to try to help get your feet on the ground.


Could you even begin to imagine what our lives would be like without having loans?  It would be impossible!  Some people might even ask why that is?  Loans have helped to support several of us doing the time of emergencies or crisis's.  It is almost not even practical to state that everyone would have all the money that would be needed to meet all the casualties that we experience during our life time.  There are a lot of people in today’s society that can barely keep enough money to be able to meet their daily needs.  Therefore, with the help of financial loans we are able to purchase what is needed.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Business Credit Card in Consideration?

There are several small business owners that are in the world today that agree that you need a business credit card instead of using your personal credit cards when making a business purchase.   It make a lot of sense.  Business credit cards tend to have better incentives than a personal credit card.  Their credit limits are generally higher which will help you to establish a better business credit.  It also helps to simplify your accounting operations because it will all be on a separate account.  Take into consideration what the incentives are that the business credit card offers before you apply such as the interest rates, grace periods, and annual fees.  

Venture Capital

Most of the long-term success of numerous businesses are dependent with their availability to equity capital.  Generally, lenders require that you have some form of security or equity cushion better known as collateral before they lending out funds to a small business.  If you lack equity will limit the debt finances that could be available to your business.  Debt financing will require you the make payments on the current interest when financing.  These funds do not help the business grown. 

The best advantage of the venture capital is that it does provide the business with a financial cushion.   But, be ware that the providers that the say so with the company’s assets. 

Difference Between Equity Capital vs. Debt Capital

Equity Capital are represented by the funds that you raise within your business, so that you will be able to exchange for shares to another ownership to another company.  Equity financing generally allows the businesses to be able to obtain the funds without having to incur debts and not having to make a payment of a certain amount within a certain time. 

Debt Capital is funds that are borrowed by the business that will have to be paid back within a certain period of time with additional interest.  Debt financing can be short term or long term.  The lenders will not gain ownership to the business with debt capital. 

Venture Capital Investors and Angel Capital

Generally, the venture capital investors and the angel capital will provide the capital that is unsecured by its assets to all the private and younger companies so that they might have the potential to grow. 

When investing in new companies the investors are carrying a high risk on their hands.  However, with the venture capital it is a long term capital that will allow the companies to be able to mature with a profitable organization within a timely manner. 

Venture capital and angel capital are two was to a passive form to finance.  Not only do these companies invest they also try to help them grow to be able to achieve the higher returns within the investments.

What is Equity Capital?

Equity capital or generally know as financing is the money that a business will raise in the exchange of ownership sharing with the company.  The ownership is typically represented with the shares of stocks that is owned.  These stocks are getting converted into the financial instruments with the private companies.  Two of the most important key sources in equity capital with new and even emerging small businesses are the venture capital firm and the angel investors.   So, when you hear the term equity capital in a small business you should be aware that it has something to do with the company’s stocks!

Small Business Survival Guide

With the recession, dishonest partners, economic turndowns, or even an industry shakeout these even could have put your business to the test.  Trying to survive these hard times requires a business owner to have a will of determination and a positive attitude.  Here are some tips that might help your survive:

  • Cut with the Precision
  • Look Outside The Box
  • Use lower budget managements
  • Connect with your friends
  • Fundamental focuses
  • Process and Do not replay

These are just a few tips that you will want to be sure and consider so that you business does not go under during all these hard times that everyone is struggling through!

Check Up With Your Business Finances

A small business will not exist if it is isolated.  Especially in these rough economic times that we are discovering.  You might want to try to determine how your small business is performing by comparing it to other small business within the industry.  Do not just compare with the similar businesses that are within your are but also throughout the nation.  One of the best methods to use is the financial ratio analysis.  It helps to compare your business ratios with other business within the industry. 

With this method it also make it very possible to work with the trend analysis also.  So, you will be able to look back over the years of your business and see the trends that might be established.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Turnaround Blogs

Are you searching for a blog that has the best information and tips about the turnaround solutions within a business financing?  If so, this is one of the best blogs that you could possible join!   There is really nothing to it.  It is just like you are signing up for some of those free online offers, except you do not have to worry about receive all that unwanted scam mail!  There are several blogs that have daily post with a turnaround financial blog, but you will not find one that supplies you with all the information that you will receive from mine.  I even encourage you to make comments and suggestions about the site!  So go ahead and start following along today!

Business Financing With Beer and Young

Well I guess you are wondering what or who is Beer and Young?  The answer to your question is… a company that allows businesses and individuals that are in a financial crisis to rescue them.  You can check Beer and Young’s website at   This financial company is greatly known as a turnaround business financial advisor. 

However, this company is willing to help people out that might be in a bind like yourself or even your business by seek help with your financial problems.  So, if you are needing a financial turnaround then you might want to check out Beer and Young!

Angel Investor Interested In Business Funds

Even though we are going through this recession, several angel investors are still committing to funding some of the small businesses that are starting up; however, the investors have become a little more picker than before as to which business they would fund.  Some business tend to believe that it can be challenging trying to get the angel investors to fund the funds.  Now in days with times like they are you have to really have the bullet-proof to your business plans, along with an excellent management tem, and financials that are will to take the stand during the spotlight.  We are very thankful that the many angel investor funding sources have not giving up during the recession. 

Personal and Business Finances

If you are fixing to set up your own small business, the one thing that you will want to make sure that you do is open a separate business banking account.  Do not combine your personal and business finances together.  If you ever decide to incorporate your small business, it is required by the IRS to have a separate account.  However, if you choose not to incorporate the small business you will want to make sure that you have a clean and accurate accounting system.

The IRS will make you establish that in the beginning that your small business is a business and not just a hobby.  So by keeping a separate banking account will make it very easy to make the determination.  It will also help you keep a clean case if the IRS was to ever decide to audit your business.

Accounting Records Are Very Important

Are you trying to make your life as a small business owner a lot more easier?  If so, you have to work very hard at it.  Do you feel like you are having to listen out for the phone 24/7?  By keeping excellent accounting records is one of the things that you can do to make your life a little more simpler.  What might seem like a hassle in the beginning will be a big asset as your business progresses. 

If you are wanting the tax process to be easy, then you will want to keep excellent accounting records!  If you are planning on selling your business in the future you will want to have a good accounting record.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Five Components To A Business

In everything in life there is always rules, tips, or tricks; however, within your business there should be five main components you will want ensure you have to be able to operate your business successfully. 

The first component is personnel.  Without employees to help you out then it will be all left on your plate.

The second component is equipment.  Without the appropriate equipment how are you going to be able to run and product your goods.

The third and fourth components are services or products.  If you do not have services or products to sell, do you really have a business?

The last component that you will want to ensure your business has is capital.  Without having capital in your business your business will not even exist!

Equity or Debt

When it comes down to your business financing there is two words that you will want to consider; equity or debt.  For example, debt financing, is when you have credit cards and bank loans. It is the money that you borrow from another source for your business.  All your business costs should be paid with this money; however, you are required to pay the money back to the lender(s).  A monthly interest fee will be attached to this fee and you generally repay the amount on a monthly basis.  It is very important that you organize all your financing and make the monthly payments. 

The other word that you will want to keep in mind is equity.  When you have equity financing this is all the funds that you are investing into the business to get shares of your business.  You will not have to repay the money back, you just lose the control over the business.

What Are Your Business Financing Options?

When you begin to talk about all the funds that you will need for your business there are various place and streets that you can take to meet your business needs.  Your friends, banks, credit cards, investors, and overdrafts are some of the places that you might stroll down.  These are just a couple of the options that you might take in the financial part of establishing your business.  In most cases though they are combining several of these different sources to be able to cover all their expenses they may run across.  When you open your new business it might feel financial overwhelming, but just hang in there.  Everyone starts somewhere!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

What Is Bridging Loan Finance?

Many people are probably curious as to what bridging loan finances are.  They are a considered as short term secure loans.  These loans can be quickly retrieved when times are tough and you are falling short with your financial budget. 

Bridging Loans are usually used when a person is trying to purchase a residential property.   If a person is searching for a down payment on a new property they are highly considering then they may request a bridging loan.  They are also used commonly with commercial properties so that a person will be able to get a commercial property quickly and get their business running.   After the property has been securely financed then the pay back of these loans are normal just like the standard types of loans.

Online Payday Loans?

Are you running short of cash this week and needing funds because you are dealing with some emergency situations?  Thanks to the World Wide Web it allows you to browse around for a solution.  You will be able to find numerous payday loan lenders conveniently online.  These types of loans provide you with a short-term resolution to your low funds issues until it is payday! 

Online payday loans allow people that are having a problem with their fund balances to have instant and easy access to financial aids.  When you are searching for the best lender be sure that you check out all the term and conditions that they have to offer you.  Being sure that there is no hidden fees.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Is Bankruptcy A Plan When Talking About Foreclosures?

Several lawyers are starting to suggest to those victims that cannot make their payments that are still wanting to keep their homes to file bankruptcy instead of letting it get foreclosed on.  However, the lawyer’s theory will allow them to file the bankruptcy petition which will place a stay on the case of the foreclosure.  Once this takes place it allows your lawyer to be able to negotiate and communicate with your lender to try to work out a plan on your property.  In thoughts, this is a good idea, but do the lawyers really negotiate?  They simple request for a payment reduction. 

Understanding Your Credit Report

In today’s society many people are worried about what their credit reports allow.  With financial companies having access to consumer credit reports they are being used more so than what intended for.  

Credit reports was originally used just to be a document, so that financial consumers could submit a report that would reflect how you are capable of managing your credit and terms such as the payment, balance, and other status changes that has been granted to you.  They were not really intended to be used for all the purposes that they are today.   So be sure that you ask questions if you have them about your credit reports!

Eliminate Stress With Consolidating Loans

Are you feeling overwhelmed, trying to juggle all that principal debt on your loans that is helping to secure your storefront locations, along with all the company debts that has been consumed for purchasing more stock and hired employees?  Trying to keep up with all the monthly payments to all the numerous creditors can make it a very tiresome task, and make sure that your payments are made in a timely manner, so you will not have to be effected by all those overdue fees that follow behind.   Several company owners have taken the next step in their finances and consolidated all their loans into one single monthly loan.  Once your debts have been consolidated, you will be able to notice that it is not as stressful as it was with multiple monthly payments.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

The Private Equity Fund

When talking about a private equity fund, generally the management fees are annual payments that are made partners into a fund that will fund the managers, better known as the private equity firm. So that it will pay for the firm’s operations within the investments.

The management fees are usually based on the funds size, or how much the investor will be committing to these funds while the investments are being made. Typically at the end of the the investor’s commitment periods, usually 4-6 years, the calculations might change due to the costly fund basis, minus any of the investments that could have been written off.

Management Fees Structure

Management fees are fees that are paid by an investor, periodically.   The investors will pay the funds into the pooled investment funds for their investment adviser’s fund for portfolio and investment management service.

Also management fees should be applied to all the normal GP operational cost, not excluding the interaction with your LPs.   Your LPs should have the access to be able to review annually all partnership expenses.   Do not forget that all the placement agent fees will be paid by the GP as well.  Therefore, management fee should be considered as a reasonable salary and operation expense, and not exceed. 

What Are Claw Backs?

Have you ever heard of the term “claw back” but really do not know what someone is referring to?

Claw backs is the distinguished amounts from refunds or even repayments that also involve penalties and the repayment.  They are generally used when securing abatements, tax incentives, grants, and refunds.

You should always determine the liabilities of claw backs and report them periodically.   The liabilities is the gross of the taxes that are paid and should be paid with the two years.   You will want to be sure that the full amount of the liabilities of the claw backs are met!

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Is Dragons Den for real?

Every business owner, financier, entrepreneur and many others are familiar with the BBC program Dragons Den. The obvious bullying of the well heeled panel is obvious, but have you noticed the acute need of the panel to protect their dignity by getting in the 'I'm Out' before they may be excluded by the needful inventor themselves? Are they really that insecure? Perhaps many of the rich are - they certainly don't want to appear in any way weak. I just wish they would consider their provision of private equity more fairly. How can they attempt to value a company by conventional metrics when in most cases the company is just starting out - an idea that may be genuine and have some promise (although many appear to be otherwise)? Do they think the candidates are stupid? After some maturity, a company may be measured in such ways, but not in the early stages.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

My need for private equity funding is kinda urgent - what chance?

My need for private equity funding is kinda urgent - what chance? (I decided to put the title in the actual article just incase you missed it. You can thank me later) So if your asking this question, getting funds for this are getting easier and easier each week, as the economy gets better. My own advice would be to seek for the funds now. You may not have success at first, but like Mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know whatcha gonna get.

They give me business finance, but what does a business angel want back?

We have been talking alot about business angels here recently, and for our final little segment, we will end on what a business angle wants back. Remember, they are the people who gave you the money to start up you're company in the first place and now it's your turn to give them something back. Many business angels will ask for a partial ownership of your company if it does well, and if not, you simply need to repay them. Maybe even with interest. So always be careful who you barrow money from. You never know how much they are going to ask back in the end.

Can a business angel fly in my direction?

In the past, we have talked about what business angels are. Now, I'm not gonna go over the whole cheesy "They don't have wings" line again, but if you want to hear that speech, just look back a few blog posts. This article is on the topic of how to find a business angel. How do you cross paths with a person who is willing to give you start-up money? Well, it's a great question, and their are two answers. The first one is VERY important and complicated so pay attention. It could take you awhile, but time is money, so here it goes - Make a million friends, then, ask them all for a dollar. ...By the way - can I have a dollar? Number two - Find friends and family and make a speech on how you think your company will work. persuade them.

What is a business angel - do they have wings?

Have you ever heard the term business angel? No, I don't mean a heavenly angel who has wings that God sent. We all know God is too busy solving many other problems and doesn't generally get involved in individual businesses, so we can eliminate that option up front. What I mean is a single person or small group who gives you money to start-up a business in hopes that your idea will actually work and they can make money in the long run from either a return money agreement or partial company ownership. And no, they still don't have wings, so don't get your hopes up.

Is my firm in need of a financial turnaround?

Well? Title asks it all - is my firm in need of a financial turnaround. If you're a guy whose company has seen better days, this is the question you should be asking yourself. Let me tell you a story. In high school, I was the class clown. When teachers asked me a question, I would always make a joke out of it. But I knew when to draw the line, and when to give the teacher a serious answer, and here it is - as you know, the economy hasn't been that good for the last several months, and lots of companies have been struggling. But just now is the economy beginning to bounce back up. It may take a few more months, but if your company can hold on that long, it would be ill moral to go though turnaround finance.

The Turnaround Finance Industry

Turnaround Finance is the industry that exists to aid struggling companies to get back on their financial feet. In the recession of 2009 and 2010, many companies have experienced problems with financial obligations in the context of few new orders, few sales leads, reduced existing demand for their goods or services and more companies demanding better terms and reduced costs. A lethal mix for any company. The turnaround finance company generally resolves the looming disaster by matching industry experts who have ready and willing funds, with the firm that is in need of a business finance injection. The wealthy benefactor then may take a position on the board of the firm and make some much needed recommendations to improve the company position and subsequent profitability. The benefactor will only ever make this investment of business finance if he or she regards the company as having a good business, a fundamentally profitable model. He will insightfully look into the company and from a vantage point of detachment be able to see changes that need to be made. Painful changes perhaps - but changes that will lead to an improved situation.

What is the definition of a individual voluntary arrangement?

Here in the UK, IVA (individual voluntary arrangement) is a formal alternative to avoid bankruptcy. The people who choose this 'last-call' option are usually at there last straw, and can't hang on for anything in the world, but morally and seriously want to find a way to avoid bankruptcy. And as no government wants to see a person go to bankruptcy, the government will help out in this scenario as it's a government put-together alternative in the first place.

Friday, 24 July 2009

What is a company voluntary agreement?

The Company Voluntary Agreement (or CVA) has been in force for the last 20 years. It is very important as it provides business solutions to companies struggling under a financial crisis. The company voluntary agreement is a contract between the insolvent business and their creditors who are giving credit to their venture. The contract deals with the repayment of the company’s debt to the creditors along with the profits earned. It is a solution for those companies who don’t want to go bankrupt and in this way the creditors will also get back the money they have paid for the venture.

Why are the banks failing small businesses needing overdrafts?

Banks are always in the favor of the big businesses as they generate more revenue and can get more profits to the bank. But it is not always that the small firms don’t work well. Small businesses have been charged unfairly by the banks in terms of overdraft. This has been widely experienced in the UK. The various offers on lending rates are different according to the company’s size. All the lending rates are variable for the big and small sized firms. Even the larger firms don’t often pay up the prices and meet up with the expectation of the banks. The government should take up steps to bring upon clarity as far as the banking policies are concerned.

How can I get some turnaround finance?

Turnaround finance helps to successfully recover from a negative financial situation. Following are some of the steps to get turnaround finance:

Find out the problem that the company is going through. Recognize the problem and do not blame each other - accept the problem.
Find out what ned exists for external aid
Select the right business finance firm for investment to recover from the crisis
Develop a plan and announce the decision
Work on the plan and implement it
Conclude the plan

Why small businesses are failing in the 2009 recession?

This economic crash has hit the countries all over the globe very badly.

Due to this economic crash very well known and reputed companies of US like Meryl Lynch have suffered (fatally) too. Not just this, many corporates have merged with smaller (and large) companies to cut down on their cost. All this happens because during this time, the cost goes up and there is no control over cost factor. The companies incur cost more than the profits. As a result there is imbalance in the equilibrium and companies are not able to meet up with the break even point. In such a scenario the companies, incur losses and are not able to maximize the profits. The only solution to beat the recession is to manage the cost, given that sales are difficult but are possible.

What is a business angel?

Business angels are the individuals who invest in the high growth ended business. They invest in these high growth businesses for the return in equity. The various criteria for their investment in the business firms are:

The need of the investor should be in between £10,000 and £750,000
There should be high return in the investment made
The angel needs to see probability of expansion right from the first stage
Using a business angel can prove to be advantageous as they make the investment decisions quickly and fast.

Why companies in a recession may need an injection of business finance

In the case of recession, the companies are not able to enjoy the break even in their business, which they were earlier making. Therefore, in this type of a scenario, there is an imbalance in their break even as the revenues drop and the cost is not manageable. The balance sheet shows more expenses incurred than the profits made. As a result, it is advisable for these companies to cut down on their expenses, costs which include stopping such things as stationary supply, long distance trips, vouchers etc. In this situation, cost management plays an important role for further growth and prosperity.

What kind of companies benefit from Turnaround Finance?

Turnaround finance helps the distressed companies to return to a financially stable situation. This is done by maximizing the creditor’s interest, interest of the employees, managers and shareholders. The companies that can benefit from Turnaround finance are often small companies that are hit by the economic crash and cannot raise the funds to come out from that particular situation. In this type of a scenario, the big companies provide funds to these smaller ones and help them by providing the business restructuring solutions. These companies have made profit in the past but have poor cash flow situation at present.

What is Turnaround Finance?

Every business organization works for maximization of profit. Risk and Profit are two sides of a coin in a business organization. Every business organization has its strengths and weaknesses and aims at a successful turnaround strategy. They both go together for any organization. In case of risk where the company is incurring losses, the role of turnaround finance comes. Turnaround finance helps any company with possibility of loss to recover from this situation.

The companies providing turnaround finance provide the replacement model or corporate restructuring. These solutions are given to businesses that are distressed and the companies providing turnaround solutions help the distressed businesses to stay healthy. This is done by providing them with the business solutions and by implementing sound financial management and control policies.

What does the company Beer and Young do?

Beer and Young is one of the leading providers of UK’s Equity funds for small companies. Due to the recession, it is proved that 2009 is going to be a tough period for the companies. In respect of Beer and Young is into delivering turnaround finance, providing financial aid to major business houses. They are into providing funding solutions to the business and entrepreneurs. They are mainly into this task of providing financial help and giving financial solutions to the business sectors including both major firms and smaller concerns. Beer and Young provide their clients with the following business solutions:

Business finance

Turnaround Finance

Company Rescue

Company Re-structuring

Urgent Company Finance

Business Angels

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Business Finance for Struggling Companies

An injection of business finance is an essential for many companies to be able to survive in recessionary periods. Small companies may well only survive on a line of credit that covers their daily or weekly financial obligations. As payrol looms, will the firm be able to cover the bill without a trip to Vegas looking tempting to the financial controller. The line of credit from the bank is commonly essential to the continued running of the company and it's day to day operations. What do they do if the bank pulls the line? There are other options, although not necessary as palatable, such as factoring. But expensive. And in the event of default the small business is still liable.

A solution often overlooked is that of business finance through the turnaround finance industry. A company such as Beer and Young in London will select a wealthy business investor with experience in the business or industry of the troubled company. They'll invest the funds if they feel that the company has the fundamental model to be profitable. The success probability of this arrangement is usually high - with the expert taking a stake in the company and making needed objective changes for the good of the company and his investment.